The Hunt: The 2016 Full-time Job Hunt

Almost 2 years ago, I spent absurd amounts of time searching for a Junior-year internship. I definitely learned a lot throughout the process, and you can read more about my takeaways here. This past year, I tried to apply what I learned to full time recruiting. It seems to me that full time recruiting was fairly similar to internship recruiting, but as can be expected, it felt somewhat bigger: more interview rounds, longer interviews, and more involved interview processes.


Artificial Intelligence for Games: Why it Matters

While artificial intelligence agents defeating human competitors in popular games is nothing new, recent benchmarks have evolved at a rate and extent that is truly remarkable. In the past, we’ve seen computers beat the world chess champion, defeat Jeopardy! Winners, and master difficult Atari games. Recently, however, artificial intelligence agents have done what has often been seen as impossible: beat the world’s best humans at Go and Poker.


This blog looks different! This post will just be a quick update on the style of this blog and my experiences with using a Jekyll template.


adViz, Part 2: The Tech

adViz was designed not as just a mobile app or a website, but as a comprehensive solution. The complete vision includes the iOS application, the web application, and the backend that integrates with existing police systems. For the MVP, I created the web application and skeleton UI for the iOS application.


adViz, Part 1: Building My First MVP

I’ve built an a MVP as part of a startup I’m working on that has expanded out of a course project, and it has been quite the ride. In these posts, I’ll write about the ideas, the tech, the journey - and more.
